Love Notes from God

For a good portion of my life I have battled anxious thoughts and fearful forebodings. I know the fear is not from God. He has given me victory in so many areas, many dealing with fear and anxiety…and yet, the thoughts persist.

I bring them before God whenever I become aware of them. As my mind starts to race or my body becomes tense, I start to pay attention to what is rolling around in my brain. Am I worrying over my children or other family members? Over bills? Are my thoughts centered on work issues? Sometimes it’s just an undefinable feeling of unease or anxiety.

When I need extra support I ask my husband to pray with me and cover me, or I text friends asking for prayer and help. God is always faithful to come to my rescue and bless me with His peace…it just takes me a while to receive it at times.

I have also battled feelings of hopelessness, which I think are some of the hardest thoughts to overcome. Without hope, we are lost. It steals all joy and purpose to life. I can become overwhelmed thinking that things will never change…that I will remain in my state of barely-staying-on-top-of-life for the rest of my days…

That’s what I’ve been dealing with on & off for the past year. Then this morning I saw a delivery truck drive past me for a company I interviewed with 3-4 years ago. I am so thankful that I did not get that job! That caused me to remember another company I interviewed with around the same time, and I again was thankful that God didn’t open that door either. I ended up working for a temp agency that lead me to the very good job I have now.

That little reminder, just at the right time, helped snap me out of the funk that was threatening to overtake my thoughts.

I spoke out, “Thank you Father, for keeping me from those jobs. Thank you for blessing me with the job I have now. Forgive me for losing hope because I have been putting my hope in the wrong things…in worldly pursuits and accomplishments. My hope is in YOU!”

For the rest of my drive to work I thanked Him for everything I am grateful for, with the greatest thanks reserved for Jesus, who died for me.

When I got settled at my desk, I turned the page on the daily encouragement calendar I have there, and saw this:

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God is so wonderful to confirm His leading. I so needed this today ❤ My hope is in you Father!

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. ~ Hebrews 10:23

One comment

  1. thiedeann · March 8, 2019

    Aw. Thanks so much for your honest heart and words. But greater thanks to God for His timely reminders when we most need them. How loved we are! 💕

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